Ciao a tutti, oggi vi propongo un nuovo look ispirandomi a una tendenza di questa primavera: il bianco.
L'abbinamento è con il nuovo paio di orecchini ICE che tanto si presta a questo fantastico colore in tutte le sue molteplici sfumature.
Dalla tonalità pura a quella contaminata dal grigio in tutte le sue nuance!
W.L. Fede
Hello everyone, today I propose a new look inspired a this spring trend: the white.
The combination is with a new pair of earrings called ICE that lends itself to this great color in all its many shades.
From that pure tones contaminated by gray in all its nuances!
W.L. Fede
Hello everyone, today I propose a new look inspired a this spring trend: the white.
The combination is with a new pair of earrings called ICE that lends itself to this great color in all its many shades.
From that pure tones contaminated by gray in all its nuances!
W.L. Fede
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