Una rondine non fa primavera e mai come ora un proverbio è così azzeccato!!
Non ci sono piu' quelle giornate in cui il sole splendeva in cielo
e un venticello primaverile si diffondeva nell'aria.
Ora guardando fuori dalla finestra vedo solo pioggia e neve sulle vette!
Per contrastare queste giornate invernali e con l'auspicio che porti fortuna, ho pensato a un post easy, fresco, primaverile e floreale che ci riporti con la mente ai quei fantastici 30 gradi di qualche settimana fa ;-)
L'accessorio perfetto per questo look e' l'anello VIOLET!!
Ametista al centro, cristalli e soutache lungo il perimetro.
Il tutto chiuso con tre foglie di cristalli viola.
Un fiore tra i fiori!!
Buon Week End
W.L. Fede
One swallow does not make spring, and now more than ever a proverb is so spot on!
There are more 'those days when the sun was shining in the sky
and a spring breeze spread through the air.
Now looking out the window all I see is rain and snow on the peaks!
To contrast these winter days with the wish to bring good luck, I thought of an easy post, fresh, and spring flower that brings us back to those great minds with 30 degrees a few weeks ago;-)
The perfect accessory for this look is VIOLET ring!
Amethyst at the center, crystals and soutache along the perimeter.
The round ended with three leaves of purple crystals.
A flower among flowers!
Good Weekend
W.L. Fede
There are more 'those days when the sun was shining in the sky
and a spring breeze spread through the air.
Now looking out the window all I see is rain and snow on the peaks!
To contrast these winter days with the wish to bring good luck, I thought of an easy post, fresh, and spring flower that brings us back to those great minds with 30 degrees a few weeks ago;-)
The perfect accessory for this look is VIOLET ring!
Amethyst at the center, crystals and soutache along the perimeter.
The round ended with three leaves of purple crystals.
A flower among flowers!
Good Weekend
W.L. Fede
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